How to Retrieve Firmware and EMV Kernel Version: Difference between revisions

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This guide provides the necessary steps to obtain the version information for both the firmware and the EMV kernel on your device.

Getting the Firmware Version

  • Detail the specific method or code snippet required to retrieve the firmware version. This could involve accessing system properties or using specific APIs provided by the device's operating system.
  public static final String SYSTEM_VERSION = "ro.wp.system.ver";
    public static final String KERNEL_VERSION  = "ro.wp.kernel.ver";
    public static final String BOOTLOADER_VERSION  = "ro.wp.bootloader.ver";

    public static String getsystemPropertie(String key, String defaultValue){
        Object propObj = null ;
        try {
            Class<?> systemProperties = Class.forName("android.os.SystemProperties");
            Log.i("systemProperties", systemProperties.toString());
            propObj = systemProperties.getMethod("get", new Class[]{String.class, String.class}).invoke(systemProperties, new Object[]{key,"unknown"});
            Log.i("bootloaderVersion", propObj.getClass().toString());
        }catch (Exception e) {
        String prop = propObj.toString().toUpperCase();
        return prop;

Getting the EMV Kernel Version

  • Description: This function populates the provided buffer with the EMV kernel version string. The bufferLength parameter specifies the size of the buffer.
  • Usage: Declare a buffer of appropriate length and call this function to get the EMV kernel version.
int emv_get_version_string(unsigned char *buffer, int bufferLength)