How to Apply App Certificates: Difference between revisions

From wizarPOS
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The user mode terminal checks the certificate of APK when installing. The signature certificate should be issued by the application root certificate. By default, there is default WizarPOS root certificate in the terminal. So the developer should apply development certificate from wizarPOS.
== Running Environment ==
The follow steps will run in PC, and use keytool in JDK, so please make sure you have installed the JDK in your PC.
== Generate Private Keystore ==
  '''keytool -genkeypair -keystore '''demo.jks''' -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -alias androiddebugkey -dname ", CN=MyName, OU=RD, O=ABC company, L=Shanghai, ST=Shanghai, C=CN"'''
* Domain name should be filled according the real information of your company. CN=commonName, OU=organizationUnit, O=organizationName, L=localityName, ST=state or province name, C=country.
* EMAILADDRESS must be filled by company official email address.
* If you want to use this key store in Eclipse as a custom debug key store, the alias of the key should be “androiddebugkey” and the password should be “android”. If you won’t use this  key store in Eclipse, you can use any alias name  or password.
== Export CSR (Certificate Signature Request) ==
  '''keytool -certreq -keystore '''demo.jks''' -alias androiddebugkey > demo.csr'''
== Send CSR to WizarPOS ==
Send CSR to
== Import the Certificate Chain ==
Import the replied certificate chain of the CSR(*.crt or *.pem), when you receive them from WizarPOS.:
  '''keytool -importcert -keystore '''demo.jks''' -file file-name-of-CSR-reply -alias androiddebugkey'''
* Store the attached pem file of WizarPOS reply to the same folder of jks file.
* file-name-of-CSR-reply is the file name of the pem file with certificate chain.
* Choose Yes, when the importing tools ask you if you want to trust them.
== FAQ ==
=== Keytool ===
keytool.exe is in the JRE path, XXX/Java/jreXXX/bin, if you have set the environment variable, JAVA_HOME, you can run keytool command line in every path, or else you must run the command line in the JRE path.
===Keysize Problem when Generate Keypair ===
Please download the unlimited strength policy from java website:
Copy the local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar to the folder $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security
=== CSR error ===
After export CSR, please open the CSR in Notepad, if the CSR content begin with "-----BEGIN NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----", end with "-----END NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----", there are contents in the middle, that means the CSR file is right, the others are bad CSR files, then you need to check the above steps you running, find the fault step.

Latest revision as of 09:15, 7 April 2024

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