PINPAD API: Difference between revisions

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== Functions ==
== Functions ==
The calling sequence is [[#open|open]]>[[#kick_out|kick_out]]>[[#close|close ]]
The calling sequence is [[#open|open]]>[[#show_text|show_text]]/[[#get_serial_number |get_serial_number ]]>[[#close|close ]] or [[#open|open]]>[[#select_key|select_key]]>[[#calculate_pin_block|calculate_pin_block]]/[[#calculate_mac|calculate_mac]]/[[#encrypt_string|encrypt_string]]>[[#close|close ]]
=== open ===
=== open ===
  int pinpad_open()
  int pinpad_open()
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The result code, >= 0, success; <0 [[Error_code|error code]].
=== calculate_mac ===
  int pinpad_calculate_mac(unsigned char* pData, int nDataLength, int nMACFlag, unsigned char* pMACOutBuffer, int nMACOutBufferLength)
Calculate the MAC. The user key should be a MAC key whose id is 1 in general.
| ''pData'' || unsigned char*||data
| ''nDataLength'' || int ||Data length
| ''nMACFlag'' || int ||0:X99, 1: ECB,2:SE919,3:UnionPayECB
| ''pMACOutBuffer'' || unsigned char* ||MAC data buffer
| ''nMACOutBufferLength'' || int ||Length of MAC data buffer
The result code, >= 0, success; <0 [[Error_code|error code]].
=== encrypt_string ===
  int pinpad_encrypt_string(unsigned char* pPlainText, int nTextLength, unsigned char* pCipherTextBuffer, int nCipherTextBufferLength)
Encrypt string. The user key should be a data key whose id is 2 in general.
The default Mode is ECB/NoPadding.
| ''pPlainText'' || unsigned char*||Plain text
| ''nTextLength'' || int ||Length of plain text
| ''pCipherTextBuffer'' || unsigned char*||buffer for saving cipher text
| ''nCipherTextBufferLength'' || int ||Length of buffer
The result code, >= 0, success; <0 [[Error_code|error code]].
=== encrypt_string ===
  int pinpad_encrypt_string(unsigned char* pPlainText, int nTextLength, unsigned char* pCipherTextBuffer, int nCipherTextBufferLength)
Encrypt string. The user key should be a data key whose id is 2 in general.
The default Mode is ECB/NoPadding.
| ''pPlainText'' || unsigned char*||Plain text
| ''nTextLength'' || int ||Length of plain text
| ''pCipherTextBuffer'' || unsigned char*||buffer for saving cipher text
| ''nCipherTextBufferLength'' || int ||Length of buffer
The result code, >= 0, success; <0 [[Error_code|error code]].
=== encrypt_string ===
  int pinpad_encrypt_string(unsigned char* pPlainText, int nTextLength, unsigned char* pCipherTextBuffer, int nCipherTextBufferLength)
Encrypt string. The user key should be a data key whose id is 2 in general.
The default Mode is ECB/NoPadding.
| ''pPlainText'' || unsigned char*||Plain text
| ''nTextLength'' || int ||Length of plain text
| ''pCipherTextBuffer'' || unsigned char*||buffer for saving cipher text
| ''nCipherTextBufferLength'' || int ||Length of buffer
The result code, >= 0, success; <0 [[Error_code|error code]].
=== encrypt_string ===
  int pinpad_encrypt_string(unsigned char* pPlainText, int nTextLength, unsigned char* pCipherTextBuffer, int nCipherTextBufferLength)
Encrypt string. The user key should be a data key whose id is 2 in general.
The default Mode is ECB/NoPadding.
| ''pPlainText'' || unsigned char*||Plain text
| ''nTextLength'' || int ||Length of plain text
| ''pCipherTextBuffer'' || unsigned char*||buffer for saving cipher text
| ''nCipherTextBufferLength'' || int ||Length of buffer
The result code, >= 0, success; <0 [[Error_code|error code]].
=== update_cipher_master_key ===
  int pinpad_update_cipher_master_key(int nMasterKeyID,unsigned char* pCipherMasterKey, int nCipherMasterKeyLen,unsigned char *pCheckValue, int nCheckValueLen)
Update master key, the master key must be ciphered by transport key.
| ''nMasterKeyID'' || int ||Master key index
| ''pCipherMasterKey'' || unsigned char* ||Length of plain text
| ''nCipherMasterKeyLen'' || int ||Length of ciphered master key
| ''pCheckValue'' || int ||Check value
| ''nCheckValueLen'' || int ||Length of check value
The result code, >= 0, success; <0 [[Error_code|error code]].
=== update_user_key_with_check_E ===
  int pinpad_update_user_key_with_check_E(int nMasterKeyID, int nUserKeyID,unsigned char *pCipherNewUserKey, int nCipherNewUserKeyLength,int nKeyUsge, unsigned char *pCheckValue, int nCheckValueLen,int algoCheckValue)
Update the user key with check value. You can set the the algorithm of check.
The algorithm which using to encrypt user key is from select_key, but if not calling select key before update, the default algorithm is 3DES.
| ''nMasterKeyID'' || int ||Master key index
| ''nUserKeyID'' || int ||User key id
| ''pCipherNewUserKey'' || unsigned char* ||New user key in cipher text
| ''nCipherNewUserKeyLength'' || int ||Length of new user key
| ''nKeyUsge'' || int ||Key type. 0--PIN key;1--MAC key;2—Data key
| ''pCheckValue'' || unsigned char* ||Check value of user key
| ''nCheckValueLen'' || int ||Length of check value, 4 bytes in general
The result code, >= 0, success; <0 [[Error_code|error code]].
=== update_cipher_master_key_E ===
  int pinpad_update_cipher_master_key_E (int nMasterKeyID,unsigned char *pCipherMasterKey, int nCipherMasterKeyLen,unsigned char *pCheckValue, int nCheckValueLen,int algoCheckValue)
Update master key, the master key must be ciphered by transport key, and use the selected algorithm of check .
| ''nMasterKeyID'' || int ||Master key index
| ''pCipherMasterKey'' || unsigned char* ||Ciphered master key
| ''nCipherMasterKeyLen'' || int ||Length of ciphered master key
| ''pCheckValue'' || unsigned char* ||Check value
| ''nCheckValueLen'' || int ||Length of check value
The result code, >= 0, success; <0 [[Error_code|error code]].
=== encrypt_string_with_mode ===
  int pinpad_encrypt_string_with_mode(unsigned char* pPlainText, int nTextLength, unsigned char* pCipherTextBuffer, int nCipherTextBufferLength, unsigned int nMode, unsigned char* pIV, unsigned int nIVLen)
Encrypt string.
| ''pPlainText'' || unsigned char* ||Plain text
| ''nTextLength'' || int ||Length of plain text
| ''pCipherTextBuffer'' || unsigned char* ||buffer for saving cipher text, for dukpt encrypt, the buffer data structure is: cipher data + KSN + counter.
| ''nCipherTextBufferLength'' || int ||Length of buffer
| ''pIV'' || unsigned char* ||initial vector, only for CBC, CFB, OFB mode
| ''nIVLen'' || int ||length of IV, must be equal to block length according to the algorithm

The result code, >= 0, success; <0 [[Error_code|error code]].
The result code, >= 0, success; <0 [[Error_code|error code]].

Revision as of 09:04, 17 April 2018


The calling sequence is open>show_text/get_serial_number >close or open>select_key>calculate_pin_block/calculate_mac/encrypt_string>close


int pinpad_open()

Open the PINPad device. This operation should be used before other operations.



The result code, >= 0, success; <0 error code.


 int pinpad_close()

Close the PINPad device. The open and close apis are pair operations. If you don’t want to use this device, you should call the close api to release this device.



The result code, >= 0, success; <0 error code.


 int pinpad_show_text(int nLineIndex, char* strText, int nLength, int nFlagSound)

Show text in the specified line.


nLineIndex int Line number to display, 0 or 1
strText char* Text to show, String.getBytes()
nLength int Text length, the length maxsize is 14
nFlagSound int Not used


The result code, >= 0, success; <0 error code.


 int pinpad_update_user_key(int nMasterKeyID, int nUserKeyID, unsigned char* pCipherNewUserKey, int nCipherNewUserKeyLength)

Update the user key. You should check the cipher user key by yourself through the specified master key and check value obtained from the server or other. The algorithm which using to encrypt user key is from select_key, but if not calling select key before update, the default algorithm is 3DES.


nMasterKeyID int Master key id
nUserKeyID int User key id
pCipherNewUserKey unsigned char* New user key in cipher text
nCipherNewUserKeyLength int Length of new user key


The result code, >= 0, success; <0 error code.


 int pinpad_update_user_key_with_check(int nMasterKeyID, int nUserKeyID, unsigned char *pCipherNewUserKey, int nCipherNewUserKeyLength, int nKeyUsge, unsigned char *pCheckValue, int nCheckValueLen)

Update the user key with check value. You don’t need to check the cipher user key by yourself. The algorithm which using to encrypt user key is from select_key, but if not calling select key before update, the default algorithm is 3DES.


nMasterKeyID int Master key id
nUserKeyID int User key id
pCipherNewUserKey unsigned char* New user key in cipher text
nCipherNewUserKeyLength int Length of new user key
nKeyUsge int Key type. 0--PIN key;1--MAC key;2—Data key
pCheckValue unsigned char* Check value of user key
nCheckValueLen int Length of new user keyLength of check value, 4 bytes in general


The result code, >= 0, success; <0 error code.


 int pinpad_set_pin_length(int nLength, int nFlag)

Set the max or min length of PIN. When you call the calculate_pin_block api, the number you can input is no more than the max length.


nLength int PIN length
nFlag int Flag, 0--min length;1--max length


The result code, >= 0, success; <0 error code.


 int pinpad_get_serial_number(unsigned char* pData,unsigned int nBufferLength)

Get serial number from the PINPad.


pData unsigned char* Serial number buffer
nBufferLength unsigned int Length of buffer


The result code, >= 0, success; <0 error code.


 int pinpad_select_key(int nKeyType, int nMasterKeyID, int nUserKeyID, int nAlgorith)

Select master key and user key before encryption operations. If the device is external PINPad, the user key id is 0-1 when nKeyType is master-session pair. If called before update user key, the user key is encrypted using the algorithm which defined by nAlgorith parameter.If the terminal device is a WIZARHAND_Q1 or Q2, the user key id is 0-2 when nKeyType is master-session pair.


nMasterKeyID int Master key id, 0-9 when nKeyType is master-session; Master key id, 0,1,2 when nKeyType is TDUKPT
nUserKeyID int User key id, used when nKeyType is master-session.
nAlgorith int 1:3DES;2:SM4;3:AES


The result code, >= 0, success; <0 error code.


 int pinpad_calculate_pin_block(unsigned char* pASCIICardNumber, int nCardNumberLength, unsigned char* pPinBlockBuffer, int nPinBlockBufferLength, int nTimeout_MS, int nFlagSound)

Calculate the PIN block of the inputted PIN. You should call select_key at first. The user key should be a PIN key whose id is 0 in general. The length of card number is normally 13-19. The max waiting time for PIN input is 60s, and the two PIN input time span is 10s, otherwise this API will return error code.


pASCIICardNumber unsigned char* Card number in ASCII format
nCardNumberLength int Length of card number
pPinBlockBuffer unsigned char* buffer for saving PIN block
nPinBlockBufferLength int Length of buffer
nTimeout_MS int Timeout waiting for user input in milliseconds. If it is less than 0, then wait forever.
nFlagSound int Not used


The result code, >= 0, success; <0 error code.


 int pinpad_calculate_mac(unsigned char* pData, int nDataLength, int nMACFlag, unsigned char* pMACOutBuffer, int nMACOutBufferLength)

Calculate the MAC. The user key should be a MAC key whose id is 1 in general.


pData unsigned char* data
nDataLength int Data length
nMACFlag int 0:X99, 1: ECB,2:SE919,3:UnionPayECB
pMACOutBuffer unsigned char* MAC data buffer
nMACOutBufferLength int Length of MAC data buffer


The result code, >= 0, success; <0 error code.


 int pinpad_encrypt_string(unsigned char* pPlainText, int nTextLength, unsigned char* pCipherTextBuffer, int nCipherTextBufferLength)

Encrypt string. The user key should be a data key whose id is 2 in general. The default Mode is ECB/NoPadding.


pPlainText unsigned char* Plain text
nTextLength int Length of plain text
pCipherTextBuffer unsigned char* buffer for saving cipher text
nCipherTextBufferLength int Length of buffer


The result code, >= 0, success; <0 error code.


 int pinpad_encrypt_string(unsigned char* pPlainText, int nTextLength, unsigned char* pCipherTextBuffer, int nCipherTextBufferLength)

Encrypt string. The user key should be a data key whose id is 2 in general. The default Mode is ECB/NoPadding.


pPlainText unsigned char* Plain text
nTextLength int Length of plain text
pCipherTextBuffer unsigned char* buffer for saving cipher text
nCipherTextBufferLength int Length of buffer


The result code, >= 0, success; <0 error code.


 int pinpad_encrypt_string(unsigned char* pPlainText, int nTextLength, unsigned char* pCipherTextBuffer, int nCipherTextBufferLength)

Encrypt string. The user key should be a data key whose id is 2 in general. The default Mode is ECB/NoPadding.


pPlainText unsigned char* Plain text
nTextLength int Length of plain text
pCipherTextBuffer unsigned char* buffer for saving cipher text
nCipherTextBufferLength int Length of buffer


The result code, >= 0, success; <0 error code.


 int pinpad_encrypt_string(unsigned char* pPlainText, int nTextLength, unsigned char* pCipherTextBuffer, int nCipherTextBufferLength)

Encrypt string. The user key should be a data key whose id is 2 in general. The default Mode is ECB/NoPadding.


pPlainText unsigned char* Plain text
nTextLength int Length of plain text
pCipherTextBuffer unsigned char* buffer for saving cipher text
nCipherTextBufferLength int Length of buffer


The result code, >= 0, success; <0 error code.


 int pinpad_update_cipher_master_key(int nMasterKeyID,unsigned char* pCipherMasterKey, int nCipherMasterKeyLen,unsigned char *pCheckValue, int nCheckValueLen)

Update master key, the master key must be ciphered by transport key.


nMasterKeyID int Master key index
pCipherMasterKey unsigned char* Length of plain text
nCipherMasterKeyLen int Length of ciphered master key
pCheckValue int Check value
nCheckValueLen int Length of check value


The result code, >= 0, success; <0 error code.


 int pinpad_update_user_key_with_check_E(int nMasterKeyID, int nUserKeyID,unsigned char *pCipherNewUserKey, int nCipherNewUserKeyLength,int nKeyUsge, unsigned char *pCheckValue, int nCheckValueLen,int algoCheckValue)

Update the user key with check value. You can set the the algorithm of check. The algorithm which using to encrypt user key is from select_key, but if not calling select key before update, the default algorithm is 3DES.


nMasterKeyID int Master key index
nUserKeyID int User key id
pCipherNewUserKey unsigned char* New user key in cipher text
nCipherNewUserKeyLength int Length of new user key
nKeyUsge int Key type. 0--PIN key;1--MAC key;2—Data key
pCheckValue unsigned char* Check value of user key
nCheckValueLen int Length of check value, 4 bytes in general


The result code, >= 0, success; <0 error code.


 int pinpad_update_cipher_master_key_E (int nMasterKeyID,unsigned char *pCipherMasterKey, int nCipherMasterKeyLen,unsigned char *pCheckValue, int nCheckValueLen,int algoCheckValue)

Update master key, the master key must be ciphered by transport key, and use the selected algorithm of check .


nMasterKeyID int Master key index
pCipherMasterKey unsigned char* Ciphered master key
nCipherMasterKeyLen int Length of ciphered master key
pCheckValue unsigned char* Check value
nCheckValueLen int Length of check value


The result code, >= 0, success; <0 error code.


 int pinpad_encrypt_string_with_mode(unsigned char* pPlainText, int nTextLength, unsigned char* pCipherTextBuffer, int nCipherTextBufferLength, unsigned int nMode, unsigned char* pIV, unsigned int nIVLen) 

Encrypt string.


pPlainText unsigned char* Plain text
nTextLength int Length of plain text
pCipherTextBuffer unsigned char* buffer for saving cipher text, for dukpt encrypt, the buffer data structure is: cipher data + KSN + counter.
nCipherTextBufferLength int Length of buffer
pIV unsigned char* initial vector, only for CBC, CFB, OFB mode
nIVLen int length of IV, must be equal to block length according to the algorithm


The result code, >= 0, success; <0 error code.