Serial port API

From wizarPOS
Revision as of 06:47, 9 May 2019 by Hans (talk | contribs) (→‎open)

API Overview

The calling sequence is open>set_baudrate>read/write>fulsh_io>close


int esp_open(char* pDeviceName)

Open the serial port by the specified device name. This operation should be used before other operations.

pDeviceName The alias for serial port. Available values: DB9, GS0_01, WIZARHANDQ1, Q1_USB_SERIAL, USB_SERIAL, SERIAL_EXT, USB_SLAVE_SERIAL, USB_HOST_SERIAL
  • in W1/W1V2:
    • DB9: works for DB9 port at the back side of the terminal.
    • GS0_Q1: works for USB host port at the right side of terminal to connect with Q1 via USB cable in master mode.
  • in Q1 3g:
    • WIZARHANDQ1: works for USB serial port in slave mode.
    • Q1_USB_SERIAL or USB_SERIAL: works for USB serial port in master mode.
    • SERIAL_EXT: works for internal fiscal module.
  • in Q1 4g and Q2 series:
    • USB_SLAVE_SERIAL: works for USB serial port in slave mode.
    • USB_HOST_SERIAL or USB_SERIAL: works for USB serial port in master mode.
    • SERIAL_EXT: works for internal fiscal module.
int The result code, >= 0, handle of this device; <0 error code.


int esp_close(int nHandle)

Close the serial port opened before. The open and close API are pair operations. If you don’t want to use this device, you should call the close API to release this device.

nHandle int: Handle of this device, returned from open
int The result code, >= 0, success; <0 error code.


int esp_set_baudrate(int nHandle, unsigned int nBaudrate)

Set the baud rate of the serial port so that this device can read and write in the same baud rate. This API should be used before read and write.

nHandle int: Handle of this device, returned from open
nBaudrate int: Baud rate
int The result code, >= 0, success; <0 error code.


int esp_read(int nHandle, unsigned char* pDataBuffer, int nExpectedDataLength, int nTimeout_MS)

Get information from the serial port.

nHandle int: Handle of this device, returned from open
pDataBuffer unsigned char*: Data buffer
nExpectedDataLength int: Data length to read
nTimeout_MS int: Time in milliseconds. 0 : read and return immediately; <0: read until got data.
int The result code, >= 0, success, the data length of read; <0 error code.


int esp_write(int nHandle, unsigned char* pDataBuffer, int nDataLength)

Send information from the serial port.

nHandle int: Handle of this device, returned from open
pDataBuffer unsigned char*: Data buffer
nDataLength int: Data length
int The result code, >= 0, data length of written; <0 error code.


int esp_flush_io(int nHandle)

Flush the IO buffer of the serial port.

nHandle int: Handle of this device, returned from open
int The result code, >= 0, written data length; <0 error code.