How to Understand Error Codes of TMS and the Agent

From wizarPOS
Revision as of 17:13, 12 January 2024 by Simon (talk | contribs)

Error Format Overview

Errors in the TMS and the agent are formatted as follows:

  • '[L/LS/S]-[module code]-[error code]'
  • Example: 'L_01_28'

Error Prefix Explanation

  • 'L': Indicates a general error originating from the terminal.
  • 'LS': Denotes a network-related error from the terminal.
  • 'S': Represents a general error from the WizarView server.

Module code

This part of the error code specifies the module in the system where the error occurred. (Details of module codes should be listed here.)

  • 01: Adapt agent parameter
  • 02: Adapt device parameter
  • 03: Adapt network parameter
  • 04: Reset administrator password
  • 05: Uninstall app from terminal
  • 06: Update app
  • 07: Update communication key
  • 08: Upload app status
  • 09: Upload app parameter status
  • 10: Upload system event
  • 11: Upload app which terminal has installed
  • 12: Upload log
  • 13: Terminal register
  • 14: Upload error log when turn on terminal
  • 15: Update firmware patch
  • 16: Update Unionpay key
  • 17: Upload app info
  • A: Administrator login
  • B: Administrator logout
  • C: Task when turn on terminal
  • D: Modify Administrator password
  • DT: Download App/firmware/parameter file
  • E: Mount SD Card
  • F: Collect system event
  • G: Tip message of install firmware
  • H: Install app
  • I: Install parameter file
  • J: Install firmware

Error code

The error code is a specific identifier for the type of error. (A list of common error codes should be provided here.)

For L

  • 0: Network error
  • 999: Unknown error
  • 10: Install app error
  • 11: Uninstall app error
  • 12: Install parameter error
  • 13: Install firmware error
  • 14: Register address can not access
  • 15: Input register address is same with the default register address
  • 16: Communication key message parsing error
  • 17: Can not identify the message from WizarView
  • 18: Verify signature fail by certificate
  • 19: Verify signature fail by communication key
  • 20: HSM error, generate CSR fail
  • 21: HSM error, encrypt data fail
  • 22: Terminal has registered
  • 23: File I/O error
  • 24: Download app error
  • 25: Operation running
  • 26: File is not exist
  • 27: Can not find the app
  • 28: Return fail when call interface
  • 29: The interface is not exist
  • 30: Verify administrator password fail
  • 31: Can not identify file format
  • 32: Can not parse command from WizarView
  • 33: Illegal message from WizarView
  • 34: Customer serial number is null
  • 35: Firmware has existed
  • 36: Download module are working
  • 37: Terminal does not register
  • 38: System event monitor initialize fail
  • 39: Public certificate lost from HSM
  • 40: Encrypt fail from HSM
  • 41: HSM does not initialize
  • 42: SN is not exist
  • 43: Mount SD card fail
  • 44: Terminal initialize fail
  • 45: Have not connected network
  • 46: Download fail, unknown reason
  • 47: Download fail, please check from terminal
  • 48: Can not connect to WizarView
  • 49: Terminal is initializing
  • 50: No permission
  • -888: Parameter error

For S

  • 0: WizarView server has unknown error
  • 1: Operation success
  • 2: SN is null
  • 3: Illegal CSR
  • 4: XMPP login password is null
  • 5: Certificate lost from WizarView server
  • 6: Key of certificate is changed
  • 7: Terminal is not exist
  • 8: No certificate in the terminal
  • 709: Verify signature fail by certificate
  • 710: Verify signature fail by communication key
  • 11: Add open fire user fail
  • 12: No definition for register rule
  • 13: No matched register rule
  • 14: Generate certificate fail
  • 15: PINPAD certificate key changed
  • 16: PINPAD certificate lost
  • 17: Communication key lost, require new key
  • 18: No definition of signature type
  • 19: Invalid signature
  • 20: Transaction type can not support
  • 21: Quick upgrade channel: model type lost
  • 22: Quick upgrade channel: agent config file lost
  • 23: Quick upgrade channel: agent file lost
  • 24: Quick upgrade channel: version code is older than terminal
  • 25: Config app parameter for terminal
  • 26: Communication protocol can not support
  • 27: No SN
  • 30: Don't need update patch
  • 48: Patch exist

For LS

  • 400: Bad request
  • 403: Forbidden
  • 404: Not found the resource
  • 500: Internal server error
  • 503: Bad gateway
  • 504: Gateway timeout

Common error codes

List out the common error codes, their meanings. This part is crucial for users to understand what each error code signifies.

Error Message Description
999 The terminal failed to register due to unknown reasons, please click Update Now.
L_12_33 Server message is illegal
L_13_06 Terminal certificate conflict
L_13_20 CSR failed to generate
L_15_13(29) Update firmware patch failed because because the interface is not exist the API version needs update. BAD_API_VERSION = 29.
L_I_12(27) Apk is not installed according to the package name. PACKAGE_OR_APPINFO_NOT_FOUND = 27.
L_I_13 Install Firmware failed because an unexpected exception. INSTALL_FIRMWARE_FAILED = 13.
L_I_13(29) Install Firmware failed because the interface is not exist the API version needs update. BAD_API_VERSION = 29.
L_I_28 Install Firmware failed because returning fail when call interface. INVOKE_ADDITIONAL_API_FAILED = 28.
L_IA_10(-1) Install apk failed because the package is already installed. INSTALL_FAILED_ALREADY_EXISTS = -1.
L_IA_10(-2) The package archive file is invalid. INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_APK = -2.
L_IA_10(-3) Install apk failed because the URI passed in is invalid. INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_URI = -3.
L_IA_10(-4) Install apk failed because the package manager service found that the device didn't have enough storage space to install the app. INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE = -4.
L_IA_10(-5) Install apk failed because the package is already installed with the same name. INSTALL_FAILED_DUPLICATE_PACKAGE = -5.
L_IA_10(-6) Install apk failed because the requested shared user does not exist. INSTALL_FAILED_NO_SHARED_USER = -6.
L_IA_10(-7) Installed package has a different signature than the new package. INSTALL_FAILED_UPDATE_INCOMPATIBLE = -7.
L_IA_10(-8) Install apk failed because the package is requested a shared user which is already installed on the device and does not have matching signature. INSTALL_FAILED_SHARED_USER_INCOMPATIBLE = -8.
L_IA_10(-9) The new package uses a shared library that is not available. INSTALL_FAILED_MISSING_SHARED_LIBRARY = -9.
L_IA_10(-10) Install apk failed because the package uses a shared library that is not available. INSTALL_FAILED_REPLACE_COULDNT_DELETE = -10.
L_IA_10(-11) Install apk failed because the package failed while optimizing and validating its dex files, either because there was not enough storage or the validation failed. INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT = -11.
L_IA_10(-12) Can't install because the current SDK version is older than that required by the package. INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK= -12.
L_IA_10(-13) Can't install because provider name is already used by other apk. INSTALL_FAILED_CONFLICTING_PROVIDER= -13.
L_IA_10(-14) Install apk failed because the package failed because the current SDK version is newer than that required by the package. INSTALL_FAILED_NEWER_SDK = -14.
L_IA_10(-15) Install package failed because it is a test-only package. INSTALL_FAILED_TEST_ONLY = -15.
L_IA_10(-16) Install apk failed because the package being installed contains native code, but none that is compatible with the the device's CPU_ABI. INSTALL_FAILED_CPU_ABI_INCOMPATIBLE = -16.
L_IA_10(-17) Install apk failed because the package uses a feature that is not available. INSTALL_FAILED_MISSING_FEATURE = -17.
L_IA_10(-18) Install apk failed because a secure container mount point couldn't be accessed on external media. INSTALL_FAILED_CONTAINER_ERROR = -18.
L_IA_10(-19) Install apk failed because the package couldn't be installed in the specified install location. INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_INSTALL_LOCATION = -19.
L_IA_10(-20) Install apk failed because the media is not available. INSTALL_FAILED_MEDIA_UNAVAILABLE = -20.
L_IA_10(-21) Install apk failed because the verification timed out. INSTALL_FAILED_VERIFICATION_TIMEOUT = -21.
L_IA_10(-22) Install apk failed because the verification did not succeed. INSTALL_FAILED_VERIFICATION_FAILURE = -22.
L_IA_10(-23) Install apk failed because the package changed from what the calling program expected. INSTALL_FAILED_PACKAGE_CHANGED = -23.
L_IA_10(-24) Install apk failed because the package is assigned a different UID than it previously held. INSTALL_FAILED_UID_CHANGED = -24.
L_IA_10(-25) Install apk failed because WizarView apk version is lower than terminal used apk version
L_IA_10(-26) Install apk failed because the package has target SDK low enough to not support runtime permissions. INSTALL_FAILED_PERMISSION_MODEL_DOWNGRADE = -26.
L_IA_10(-100) Install apk failed because the package does not end with the expected '.apk' extension. INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NOT_APK = -100.
L_IA_10(-101) Install apk failed because the package is unable to retrieve the AndroidManifest.xml file. INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_BAD_MANIFEST = -101.
L_IA_10(-102) Install apk failed because the package encountered an unexpected exception. INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION = -102.
L_IA_10(-103) Did not find any certificates in the .apk. INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES = -103. Maybe developer sign the apk with wrong signature format, e.g. Q2 does not support signature format v2.
L_IA_10(-104) Inconsistent certificates on the files in the .apk. INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_INCONSISTENT_CERTIFICATES = -104.
L_IA_10(-105) Install apk failed because the package encountered a CertificateEncodingException in one of the files in the .apk. INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_CERTIFICATE_ENCODING = -105.
L_IA_10(-106) Install apk failed because the package encountered a bad or missing package name in the manifest. INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_BAD_PACKAGE_NAME = -106.
L_IA_10(-107) Install apk failed because the package encountered a bad shared user id name in the manifest. INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_BAD_SHARED_USER_ID = -107.
L_IA_10(-108) Install apk failed because the package encountered some structural problem in the manifest. INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_MANIFEST_MALFORMED = -108.
L_IA_10(-109) Install apk failed because the package does not find any actionable tags (instrumentation or application) in the manifest. INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_MANIFEST_EMPTY = -109.
L_IA_10(-110) Install apk failed because the system failed to install the package because of system issues. INSTALL_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR = -110.
L_IA_10(-111) Install apk failed because WizarView apk version is lower than terminal used apk version. INSTALL_FAILED_VERSION_DOWNGRADE = -111.
L_IA_10(-112) Install apk failed because the package doesn't have a native library for terminal cpu architecture. INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS = -112.
L_IA_10(-1000000) Install apk failed because a reason undefined so far. INSTALL_FAILED_OTHER = -1000000. If agent version is lower than 5239, [L_IA_10(-112)] is included.
L_IA_13(66) Firmware installation service execution failed. POSSYS_UNZIP_FAIL = 66.
LS_XX_49 Can't connect to wizarView due to network problem.
LS_13_0 WizarView server has unknown error.
L_DT_47 The terminal can not access download server, because of local network problem or download server is down.