How to Enable and Disable Mobile Data Using API

From wizarPOS
Revision as of 08:37, 24 January 2024 by Mahong (talk | contribs) (→‎Download)

The system provides the AIDL interface to Enable/Disable mobile data or mobile data roaming, When connect the service, the package name is com.wizarpos.wizarviewagentassistant, and the class name is com.wizarpos.wizarviewagentassistant.SystemExtApiService. When the application uses the interface, it must import wizarviewagentassistant and add permissions to the Android manifest file.


The application declares the following permissions in the manifest:


API Overview


boolean setMobileDataEnabled(int slot, boolean enable);

Enable/Disable mobile data.

slot int: 1 = slot 1, 2 = slot 2.
enable boolean: true/false.
boolean whether the new state has been set, true is success, falas is fail.


boolean setMobileDataRoamingEnabled(int slot, int roaming);

Enable/Disable mobile data roaming.

slot int: 1 = slot 1, 2 = slot 2.
roaming int: 0 = disable, 1= enable.
boolean whether the new state has been set, true is success, false is fail.


AIDL file

Please download the AIDL file.


We have developed a small demo that retrieves the MNC (Mobile Network Code), MCC (Mobile Country Code), and IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity) from a SIM card. Additionally, it utilizes the AIDL (Android Interface Definition Language) interface to enable and disable the data network.

Please download the demo.