How to Print Unsupported Character Sets with a POS Printer

From wizarPOS

The font of the printer only support ISO8859-1 and GBK character set.

But you can still print other language by using HTML content printing.

Please add WebView.enableSlowWholeDocumentDraw() in your APP source code, because we use android WebView to print html content.


The app declares the android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW in the manifest. This is required by printHTML utility to use a hidden HTML rendering window.


API Overview


void printHTML(Context context, String htmlcontent, PrinterHtmlListener listener);

Print HTML content.

context Context : The activity or application context of the APP. It's used by method to create the hidden window.
htmlcontent String : The HTML content for printing.
listener PrinterHtmlListener : the callback listener to process the print result, Not null.


void convert2Image(Context context, String htmlContent, PrinterHtmlListener listener);

Convert the html content to a image, if want print, please call print API of the printer.

context Context : The activity or application context of the APP, Not null.
htmlcontent String : The html content, Not null.
listener PrinterHtmlListener : the callback listener to process the print result, Not null.


void onGet(Bitmap returbitmap, int result);

This callback will return the bitmap if you invoke the convert2Image method of the PrintHtmlInterface.

returbitmap Bitmap : The returned bitmap.
result int: The result of get image, "2:" BITMAP_ERROR, "3:" BITMAP_SUCCESS.


void onFinishPrinting(int result);

This callback will be callled after printing if you invoke the printHTML method of the PrintHtmlInterface.

result int : The result of the print,"0:" PRINT_ERROR, "1:" PRINT_SUCCESS,"2:" BITMAP_ERROR, "3:" BITMAP_SUCCESS,"4:" DEVICE_NOT_OPEN.


Please find the sample in SDK folder, apidemo

By Java API

Please refer to java API Spec. in APIDemoForAar from SDK folder \cloudpos_SDK\device\apidemo\, there is a printHtml method in, you can call it like this.