How to Retrieve Terminal Information: Brand, Manufacturer, Product Model, etc.

From wizarPOS
Revision as of 03:51, 11 October 2019 by Hans (talk | contribs)

There are some system property in POS, such as the brand, the manufacturer, the product model.Please look at the follow table:

Product Name/Property Name ro.product.brand ro.product.manufacturer ro.product.model ro.wp.product.model ro.wp.product.submodel
W1 wizarPOS wizarPOS WIZARPOS_1 W1
W1V2 wizarPOS wizarPOS WIZARPOS_1 W1v2
Q1 wizarPOS wizarPOS WIZARHAND_Q1 Q1
Q14G wizarPOS wizarPOS WIZARHAND_Q1 Q1v2
Q2 wizarPOS wizarPOS WIZARPOS_Q2 Q2 Q2
K2 wizarPOS wizarPOS WIZARPOS_Q2 Q2 K2
M2 wizarPOS wizarPOS WIZARPOS_Q2 Q2 M2
QD4 wizarPOS wizarPOS WIZARPOS_Q2 Q2 QD4
QD5 wizarPOS wizarPOS WIZARPOS_Q2 Q2 QD5

Android provides an easy way to get the system property, the snippet code is like:
