How to Utilize System API for Full-Screen Display

From wizarPOS
Revision as of 10:49, 15 March 2020 by Jeff (talk | contribs)

To hide the status bar and navigation bar, the following APIs are provided. Note that after calling the API, the status bar or navigation bar is hidden or displayed not only in your application, but also throughout the system.



The app declares the permission in the manifest.

API Overview

HideBars for hiding or showing the status/navigation bar

void hideBars(int state)

set status bar and navigation bar state

state int: 1 : hide status bar, 2 : hide navigation bar, 3: hide both, 0: show both.

The follows are some snippet code:

Object service = getSystemService("statusbar");
Class statusBarManager = Class.forName("");
Method method = statusBarManager.getMethod("hideBars", int.class);
method.invoke(service, 3);


int getBarsVisibility();

get state of status bar and navigation bar.

int The result , 1 : hide status bar, 2 : hide navigation bar, 3: hide both, 0: show both.

The follows are some snippet code:

Object service = getSystemService("statusbar");
Class statusBarManager = Class.forName("");
Method method = statusBarManager.getMethod("getBarsVisibility");
Object object = expand.invoke(service);