How to Use the Fingerprint Module Interface in WizarPOS Terminals

From wizarPOS


Please add the following permissions to the manifest file of the application: <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CLOUDPOS_FINGERPRINT" />

Crossmatch fingerprint

To learn how to develop fingerprint applications in devices with the Crossmatch fingerprint module, download the following SDK and documentation. The first TCS1FingerPrintSDK is a basic SDK. Please use it to input fingerprint and get image. If you want to compare or compress, use the second SDK-U.are.USDK. Note that the application cannot use the U.are.U SDK to input the fingerprint, so in the U.are.U SDK, the application cannot use the Reader class.

Files to download Description
TCS1FingerPrintSDK Crossmatch fingerprint basic demo and javadoc API
TCS1FingerPrintSDK-U.are.U Crossmatch fingerprint UareU demo and javadoc API
Simple demo Get fingerprint from a grabbing image then compare using U.are.U SDK

WizarPOS fingerprint


You can get WizarPOS FP spec here.

API doc

Please find com.cloudpos.fingerprint from java api doc, if compare ISO 2005 template, please use method compare, compareByFormat and identify, if compare ANSI 378 template, please use method compareByFormat(byte[] arryBuffer1, int format1, byte[] arryBuffer2, int format2), if convert between ISO 2005 and ANSI 378 template format, please use convertFormat(byte[] dataBuffer, int srcFormat, int outFormat).

How to distinguish different fingerprint modules

There is a property wp.fingerprint.model, if value is tuzhengbig, it is WizarPOS FP module, if value is crossmatch, it is Crossmatch fingerprint module. Snippet code as follows:

   String prop = getProperty("wp.fingerprint.model","");
       if (prop.equalsIgnoreCase("none")) {
           showNormalDialog("tips", "No fingerprint module.");
       } else if (prop.equalsIgnoreCase("tuzhengbig")) {
          //WizarPOS FP
       } else if (prop.equalsIgnoreCase("crossmatch")) {
          //Crossmatch FP
   public static String getProperty(String key, String defaultValue) {
       String value = defaultValue;
       try {
           Class<?> c = Class.forName("android.os.SystemProperties");
           Method get = c.getMethod("get", String.class, String.class);
           value = (String)(get.invoke(c, key, defaultValue ));
       } catch (Exception e) {
       }finally {
           return value;

Please download fingerprint demos:

Description Download Release Time
to get and compare iso fingerprint, run in different fingerprint module device simple demo to get ansi fingerprint 2019-09-29
to get ansi fingerprint, run in different fingerprint module device demo to get ansi fingerprint 2019-09-23