How to Understand Error Codes of TMS and the Agent

From wizarPOS
Revision as of 06:13, 28 March 2023 by Mahong (talk | contribs)

Error Format

[L/LS/S]-[module code]-[error code], For example: L_01_28

  • L: General error from terminal.
  • LS: Network error from terminal.
  • S: General error from WizarView server.

Module code

  • 01: Adapt agent parameter
  • 02: Adapt device parameter
  • 03: Adapt network parameter
  • 04: Reset administrator password
  • 05: Uninstall app from terminal
  • 06: Update app
  • 07: Update communication key
  • 08: Upload app status
  • 09: Upload app parameter status
  • 10: Upload system event
  • 11: Upload app which terminal has installed
  • 12: Upload log
  • 13: Terminal register
  • 14: Upload error log when turn on terminal
  • 15: Update firmware patch
  • 16: Update Unionpay key
  • 17: Upload app info
  • A: Administrator login
  • B: Administrator logout
  • C: Task when turn on terminal
  • D: Modify Administrator password
  • DT: Download App/firmware/parameter file
  • E: Mount SD Card
  • F: Collect system event
  • G: Tip message of install firmware
  • H: Install app
  • I: Install parameter file
  • J: Install firmware

Error code

For L

  • 0: Network error
  • 999: Unknown error
  • 10: Install app error
  • 11: Uninstall app error
  • 12: Install parameter error
  • 13: Install firmware error
  • 14: Register address can not access
  • 15: Input register address is same with the default register address
  • 16: Communication key message parsing error
  • 17: Can not identify the message from WizarView
  • 18: Verify signature fail by certificate
  • 19: Verify signature fail by communication key
  • 20: HSM error, generate CSR fail
  • 21: HSM error, encrypt data fail
  • 22: Terminal has registered
  • 23: File I/O error
  • 24: Download app error
  • 25: Operation running
  • 26: File is not exist
  • 27: Can not find the app
  • 28: Return fail when call interface
  • 29: The interface is not exist
  • 30: Verify administrator password fail
  • 31: Can not identify file format
  • 32: Can not parse command from WizarView
  • 33: Illegal message from WizarView
  • 34: Customer serial number is null
  • 35: Firmware has existed
  • 36: Download module are working
  • 37: Terminal does not register
  • 38: System event monitor initialize fail
  • 39: Public certificate lost from HSM
  • 40: Encrypt fail from HSM
  • 41: HSM does not initialize
  • 42: SN is not exist
  • 43: Mount SD card fail
  • 44: Terminal initialize fail
  • 45: Have not connected network
  • 46: Download fail, unknown reason
  • 47: Download fail, please check from terminal
  • 48: Can not connect to WizarView
  • 49: Terminal is initializing
  • 50: No permission
  • -888: Parameter error

For S

  • 0: WizarView server has unknown error
  • 1: Operation success
  • 2: SN is null
  • 3: Illegal CSR
  • 4: XMPP login password is null
  • 5: Certificate lost from WizarView server
  • 6: Key of certificate is changed
  • 7: Terminal is not exist
  • 8: No certificate in the terminal
  • 709: Verify signature fail by certificate
  • 710: Verify signature fail by communication key
  • 11: Add open fire user fail
  • 12: No definition for register rule
  • 13: No matched register rule
  • 14: Generate certificate fail
  • 15: PINPAD certificate key changed
  • 16: PINPAD certificate lost
  • 17: Communication key lost, require new key
  • 18: No definition of signature type
  • 19: Invalid signature
  • 20: Transaction type can not support
  • 21: Quick upgrade channel: model type lost
  • 22: Quick upgrade channel: agent config file lost
  • 23: Quick upgrade channel: agent file lost
  • 24: Quick upgrade channel: version code is older than terminal
  • 25: Config app parameter for terminal
  • 26: Communication protocol can not support
  • 27: No SN
  • 30: Don't need update patch
  • 48: Patch exist

For LS

  • 400: Bad request
  • 403: Forbidden
  • 404: Not found the resource
  • 500: Internal server error
  • 503: Bad gateway
  • 504: Gateway timeout

Common error codes

Error Message Description
999 The terminal failed to register due to unknown reasons, please click Update Now.
L_12_33 Server message is illegal
L_13_06 Terminal certificate conflict
L_13_20 CSR failed to generate
L_15_13(29) Update firmware patch failed because because the interface is not exist the API version needs update. BAD_API_VERSION = 29.
L_I_12(27) Apk is not installed according to the package name. PACKAGE_OR_APPINFO_NOT_FOUND = 27.
L_I_13 Install Firmware failed because an unexpected exception. INSTALL_FIRMWARE_FAILED = 13.
L_I_13(29) Install Firmware failed because the interface is not exist the API version needs update. BAD_API_VERSION = 29.
L_I_28 Install Firmware failed because returning fail when call interface. INVOKE_ADDITIONAL_API_FAILED = 28.
L_IA_10(-1) Install apk failed because the package is already installed. INSTALL_FAILED_ALREADY_EXISTS = -1.
L_IA_10(-2) The package archive file is invalid. INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_APK = -2.
L_IA_10(-3) Install apk failed because the URI passed in is invalid. INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_URI = -3.
L_IA_10(-4) Install apk failed because the package manager service found that the device didn't have enough storage space to install the app. INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE = -4.
L_IA_10(-5) Install apk failed because the package is already installed with the same name. INSTALL_FAILED_DUPLICATE_PACKAGE = -5.
L_IA_10(-6) Install apk failed because the requested shared user does not exist. INSTALL_FAILED_NO_SHARED_USER = -6.
L_IA_10(-7) Installed package has a different signature than the new package. INSTALL_FAILED_UPDATE_INCOMPATIBLE = -7.
L_IA_10(-8) Install apk failed because the package is requested a shared user which is already installed on the device and does not have matching signature. INSTALL_FAILED_SHARED_USER_INCOMPATIBLE = -8.
L_IA_10(-9) The new package uses a shared library that is not available. INSTALL_FAILED_MISSING_SHARED_LIBRARY = -9.
L_IA_10(-10) Install apk failed because the package uses a shared library that is not available. INSTALL_FAILED_REPLACE_COULDNT_DELETE = -10.
L_IA_10(-11) Install apk failed because the package failed while optimizing and validating its dex files, either because there was not enough storage or the validation failed. INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT = -11.
L_IA_10(-12) Can't install because the current SDK version is older than that required by the package. INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK= -12.
L_IA_10(-13) Can't install because provider name is already used by other apk. INSTALL_FAILED_CONFLICTING_PROVIDER= -13.
L_IA_10(-14) Install apk failed because the package failed because the current SDK version is newer than that required by the package. INSTALL_FAILED_NEWER_SDK = -14.
L_IA_10(-15) Install package failed because it is a test-only package. INSTALL_FAILED_TEST_ONLY = -15.
L_IA_10(-16) Install apk failed because the package being installed contains native code, but none that is compatible with the the device's CPU_ABI. INSTALL_FAILED_CPU_ABI_INCOMPATIBLE = -16.
L_IA_10(-17) Install apk failed because the package uses a feature that is not available. INSTALL_FAILED_MISSING_FEATURE = -17.
L_IA_10(-18) Install apk failed because a secure container mount point couldn't be accessed on external media. INSTALL_FAILED_CONTAINER_ERROR = -18.
L_IA_10(-19) Install apk failed because the package couldn't be installed in the specified install location. INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_INSTALL_LOCATION = -19.
L_IA_10(-20) Install apk failed because the media is not available. INSTALL_FAILED_MEDIA_UNAVAILABLE = -20.
L_IA_10(-21) Install apk failed because the verification timed out. INSTALL_FAILED_VERIFICATION_TIMEOUT = -21.
L_IA_10(-22) Install apk failed because the verification did not succeed. INSTALL_FAILED_VERIFICATION_FAILURE = -22.
L_IA_10(-23) Install apk failed because the package changed from what the calling program expected. INSTALL_FAILED_PACKAGE_CHANGED = -23.
L_IA_10(-24) Install apk failed because the package is assigned a different UID than it previously held. INSTALL_FAILED_UID_CHANGED = -24.
L_IA_10(-25) Install apk failed because WizarView apk version is lower than terminal used apk version
L_IA_10(-26) Install apk failed because the package has target SDK low enough to not support runtime permissions. INSTALL_FAILED_PERMISSION_MODEL_DOWNGRADE = -26.
L_IA_10(-100) Install apk failed because the package does not end with the expected '.apk' extension. INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NOT_APK = -100.
L_IA_10(-101) Install apk failed because the package is unable to retrieve the AndroidManifest.xml file. INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_BAD_MANIFEST = -101.
L_IA_10(-102) Install apk failed because the package encountered an unexpected exception. INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION = -102.
L_IA_10(-103) Did not find any certificates in the .apk. INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES = -103. Maybe developer sign the apk with wrong signature format, e.g. Q2 does not support signature format v2.
L_IA_10(-104) Inconsistent certificates on the files in the .apk. INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_INCONSISTENT_CERTIFICATES = -104.
L_IA_10(-105) Install apk failed because the package encountered a CertificateEncodingException in one of the files in the .apk. INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_CERTIFICATE_ENCODING = -105.
L_IA_10(-106) Install apk failed because the package encountered a bad or missing package name in the manifest. INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_BAD_PACKAGE_NAME = -106.
L_IA_10(-107) Install apk failed because the package encountered a bad shared user id name in the manifest. INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_BAD_SHARED_USER_ID = -107.
L_IA_10(-108) Install apk failed because the package encountered some structural problem in the manifest. INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_MANIFEST_MALFORMED = -108.
L_IA_10(-109) Install apk failed because the package does not find any actionable tags (instrumentation or application) in the manifest. INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_MANIFEST_EMPTY = -109.
L_IA_10(-110) Install apk failed because the system failed to install the package because of system issues. INSTALL_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR = -110.
L_IA_10(-111) Install apk failed because WizarView apk version is lower than terminal used apk version. INSTALL_FAILED_VERSION_DOWNGRADE = -111.
L_IA_10(-112) Install apk failed because the package doesn't have a native library for terminal cpu architecture. INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS = -112.
L_IA_10(-1000000) Install apk failed because a reason undefined so far. INSTALL_FAILED_OTHER = -1000000. If agent version is lower than 5239, [L_IA_10(-112)] is included.
L_IA_13(66) Firmware installation service execution failed. POSSYS_UNZIP_FAIL = 66.
LS_XX_49 Can't connect to wizarView due to network problem.
LS_13_0 WizarView server has unknown error.
L_DT_47 The terminal can not access download server, because of local network problem or download server is down.