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Card Reader

The EMV.

open reader and wait card

int open_reader(int reader)

Open the card reader of the POS. If select open all of readers, any open success return success.


reader int 0: all of readers,1: only contact reader,2: only contactless reader.


The result code, >= 0, success; <0 error code.

close reader

 void close_reader(int reader)

Close the card reader of the POS.


reader int 0: all of readers,1: only contact reader,2: only contactless reader.


The result code, >= 0, success; <0 error code.

get current card type

 int get_card_type(void)



The result , 1:contact card; 2:contactless card; -1: no card.

get card ATR

 int get_card_atr(unsigned char *pATR)


pATR unsigned char * the value of ATR.


The result code, >= 0, the length of ATR; <0 error code.

APDU command

 int transmit_card( unsigned char *cmd,int cmdLength,unsigned char *respData,int respDataLength)


cmd unsigned char * APDU command.
cmdLength int the length of APDU command.
respData unsigned char * the value of card response.
respDataLength int accepted max length of card reasponse.


The result code, >=0,the length of card response; <0 error code.

store and set EMV data

check the existence of data for the tag

 int emv_is_tag_present(int tag)


tag int tag name.

Returns The result code, >= 0, the length of data; <0 the data not exist.

get the data for the tag

 int emv_get_tag_data(int tag, unsigned char *data, int dataLength)


tag int tag name.
data unsigned char * the value of the data.
int int accepted max length of the data.

Returns The result code, >= 0, the length of the data; <0 error code.

get the data for the tag list

 int emv_get_tag_list_data(int *tagNames, int tagCount,unsigned char *pTagsValue,int pTagsValueLength)


tagNames int * the list of the tags.
tagCount int the count of the tags.
pTagsValue unsigned char * the values of the data(TLV format).
pTagsValueLength int the count of the data.

Returns The result code, >= 0, the length of the data; <0 error code.

set the data for the tag

 int emv_set_tag_data(int tag, unsigned char *data, int length)


tag int tag name.
data unsigned char * the value of the data.
length int the length of the data.

Returns The result code, >= 0, the length of the data; <0 error code.

EMV transaction processing

EMVKernel initialize

The snippet code is as follows:

typedef struct
// callback function for card event
// callback function for EVM processing
void emv_kernel_initialize(unsigned char *pInitData)
1 typedef void (*CARD_EVENT_OCCURED) (int eventType)
// any card event occured, this function will be revoked
// @param[in] eventType : SMART_CARD_EVENT_INSERT_CARD = 0;
2 typedef void (*EMV_PROCESS_CALLBACK)(unsigned char *pData);
// callback function for EVM processing, pData have 2 bytes
// unsigned char status = pData[0];
// unsigned char desc = pData[1];
* status
* STATUS_CONTINUE = 1; // not completed, need to continue
* STATUS_COMPLETION = 2; // completed
* desc
* when status = STATUS_COMPLETION desc means
* APPROVE_OFFLINE = 1; //Transaction approved Offline
* APPROVE_ONLINE = 2; //Transaction approved Online
* DECLINE_OFFLINE = 3; //Transaction declined Offline
* DECLINE_ONLINE = 4; //Transaction declined Onlin
* *
when status = STATUS_ERROR desc means
* ERROR_NO_APP = 1; //No Application Selected when Application Select
* ERROR_APP_BLOCKED = 2; //card return 6A81 when Application Select
* ERROR_APP_SELECT = 3; //Error when Application Select
* ERROR_INIT_APP = 4; //Error when Initialize Application Data
* ERROR_EXPIRED_CARD = 5; // Card Expired
* ERROR_APP_DATA = 6; //Error when Read Application Data
* ERROR_DATA_INVALID = 7; // have invalid data
* ERROR_DATA_AUTH = 8; // Fail in offline authentication
* ERROR_GEN_AC = 9; //Generate AC error when Transaction Process
* ERROR_PROCESS_CMD = 10; //Process Command ERROR
* ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_ALLOWED = 11; //Service not Allowed
* ERROR_PINENTERY_TIMEOUT = 12; //PIN Entry timeout
* ERROR_OFFLINE_VERIFY = 13; //Check Offline PIN Error when Cardholder Verify
* ERROR_NEED_ADVICE = 14; //Communication Error with Host, but the card need
advice, halted the transaction
* ERROR_AMOUNT_OVER_LIMIT = 16; // amount over limit
* ERROR_AMOUNT_ZERO = 17; // amount can not be zero
* ERROR_OTHER_CARD = 18 // Please try other card
* *
when status = STATUS_CONTINUE desc means
* EMV_CANDIDATE_LIST = 1; //notify Application show Application Candidate List
* EMV_APP_SELECTED = 2; //Application Select Completed
* EMV_READ_APP_DATA = 3; //Read Application Data Completed
* EMV_DATA_AUTH = 4; //Data Authentication Completed
* EMV_OFFLINE_PIN = 5; // notify Application prompt Caldholder enter offline PIN,
* EMV_ONLINE_ENC_PIN = 6; //notify Application prompt Caldholder enter Online
* EMV_PIN_BYPASS_CONFIRM = 7; //notify Application confirm to Accepted PIN
Bypass or not
* EMV_PROCESS_ONLINE = 8; //notify Application to Process Online
* EMV_ID_CHECK = 9; //notify Application Check Cardholder's Identification

Initialize EMV transaction data

 void emv_trans_initialize(void)

EMV processing function

 int emv_process_next(void)


Returns The result code, >= 0, success; <0 error code.

Others functions

Get EMV Kernel version

 int emv_get_version_string(unsigned char *buffer, int bufferLength)


buffer unsigned char * the value of emv kernel version.
bufferLength int accepted max length of emv kernel version.

Returns The result code, >= 0, the length of emv kernel verion; <0 error code.

Set transaction amount

 int emv_set_trans_amount(unsigned char *amount)


amount unsigned char * '\0' as ending mark.

Returns The result code, >= 0, success; <0 error code.

Set other amount

 int emv_set_other_amount(unsigned char *amount)


amount unsigned char * '\0' as ending mark.

Returns The result code, >= 0, success; <0 error code.

Set transaction type

 int emv_set_trans_type(unsigned char transType)


transType unsigned char transaction type.
#define TRANS_CASH 0x01
#define TRANS_INQUIRY 0x04
#define TRANS_TRANSFER 0x05
#define TRANS_PAYMENT 0x06
#define TRANS_ADMIN 0x07
#define TRANS_CASHBACK 0x09

Returns The result code, >= 0, success; <0 error code.

set emv kernel type

 int emv_set_kernel_type(unsigned char kernelType)


kernelType unsigned char kernel type, 1:EMV KERNAL; 2:QPBOC KERNAL for China; 3:UPCASH_KERNAL for China.
#define TRANS_CASH 0x01
#define TRANS_INQUIRY 0x04
#define TRANS_TRANSFER 0x05
#define TRANS_PAYMENT 0x06
#define TRANS_ADMIN 0x07
#define TRANS_CASHBACK 0x09

Returns The result code, >= 0, success; <0 error code.

Is needed advice the transaction

 int emv_is_need_advice(void)


Returns The result , = 1, need advice; =0 not need advice.

Is needed sign the transaction

 int emv_is_need_signature(void)


Returns The result , = 1, need sign; =0 not need sign.

Set the parameter for force online

 int emv_set_force_online(int flag)


flag int 1:Yes;0:No.

Returns The result , = 1, need sign; =0 not need sign.

Read transaction record from the card

 int emv_get_card_record(uint8_t *data, int dataLength)


data uint8_t * transaction record.
dataLength int accepted max length for the transaction record.

Returns The result , >= 0, record count; <0 error code.

Get application list

 int emv_get_candidate_list(uint8_t *data, int dataLength)


data uint8_t * application list as "LV" format.
dataLength int accepted max length for application list.

Returns The result , >= 0, application count; <0 error code.

Set the selected index for application selection

 int emv_set_candidate_list_result(int index)


index int the selected index (started by 0).

Returns The result , >= 0,success; <0 error code.

Set the result for cardholder ID check

 int emv_set_id_check_result(int result)


result int ID Type(9F62)、 ID Number(9F61) 0: check Fail, 1:check success.

Returns The result , >= 0,success; <0 error code.

Set the result for Online PIN

 int emv_set_online_pin_entered(int result)


result int 0: Online PIN not input, 1:Online PIN inputted.

Returns The result , >= 0,success; <0 error code.

Set acceptance for Bypass PIN

 int emv_set_pin_bypass_confirmed(int result)


result int 0: refused bypass pin, 1: accepted bypass pin.

Returns The result , >= 0,success; <0 error code.

Set the result for online certification

 int emv_set_online_result(int result,unsigned char *respCode,unsigned char *issuerRespData,int issuerRespDataLength)


result int -1:communication failed; 0: host refused; 1: host accepted.
respCode unsigned char * 2 bytes response code from the host.
issuerRespData unsigned char * the emv data from the host.
issuerRespDataLength int the length of the emv data from the host.

Returns The result , >= 0,success; <0 error code.