How to Enable or Disable Auto Time Zone on the Terminal

From wizarPOS

Interface and Class Details

  • Package Name: 'com.wizarpos.wizarviewagentassistant'
  • Class Name: 'com.wizarpos.wizarviewagentassistant.SystemExtApiService'
  • Ensure to import 'wizarviewagentassistant' when using this interface.

API Functions

Enable/Disable Auto Timezone

  • 'void enableAutoTimezone(boolean enable)';
  • Toggle the auto timezone feature on or off based on the 'enable' boolean value.
enable boolean: true/false.

Check Auto Timezone Status

  • 'boolean isEnableAutoTimezone()';
  • Returns the current status (enabled/disabled) of the auto timezone feature.
boolean whether the auto timezone is enabled, true is enable, false is disable.

Enable/Disable Auto Timezone in GUI

  • 'void enableAutoTimezoneGUI(boolean enable)';
  • Enable or disable the display of the auto timezone feature in the GUI based on the 'enable' boolean value.
enable boolean: true/false.

Check Auto Timezone GUI Status

  • 'boolean isEnableAutoTimezoneGUI()';
  • Retrieves the status (enabled/disabled) of the auto timezone feature in the GUI.
boolean whether the auto timezone GUI display is enabled, true is enable, false is disable.

Downloading Resources

Download the necessary AIDL file and the demo for implementation guidance.