How to Troubleshoot Network Search Errors on a Terminal

From wizarPOS
Revision as of 23:54, 3 January 2024 by Simon (talk | contribs)

If you encounter an error stating "Error while searching for networks" when trying to search for network operators, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Network Settings:
    • Go to 'More' > 'Cellular Networks' > 'Network Operators'.
    • Attempt to 'Search Networks'. If an error message appears, proceed to the next step.
  2. Adjust Preferred Network Type for LTE SIM Cards:
    • If you are using an LTE SIM card, the error might be due to incompatible network type settings.
    • Navigate to 'Settings' > 'More' > 'Cellular Networks'.
    • Select 'Preferred Network Type'.
    • Change the setting to an option that does not include EVDO and CDMA. For instance, set it to 'LTE/TDSCDMA/GSM/WCDMA'.

By changing the network type settings to be compatible with your SIM card type, you should be able to resolve the network search error.