How to Customize the POS Graphical User Interface for PINPAD Input

From wizarPOS

API Overview


boolean setupCallbackHandler(PinPadCallbackHandler handler)

This API allows you to set a custom callback handler for PINPAD inputs in your POS application. When a PIN is inputted on the PINPAD, the specified callback handler is triggered.

handler PinPadCallbackHandler : Not null.
boolean true: success.

processCallback of PinPadCallbackHandler

void processCallback(byte[] data);

The API provides a method to set this callback handler.

data byte[] : date[0] is the count of input pin.

Implementation Steps

  1. Initialize the PINPAD:
    • Before setting up the callback handler, ensure to call the 'open' method to initialize the PINPAD.
  2. Setting the Callback Handler:
    • Use the 'setupcallbackhandler' method to assign your custom callback handler.
    • Once this handler is set, the default PINPAD user interface (UI) will not appear.
  3. Handling PIN Input:
    • The driver will send the count of the inputted PIN to the callback handler.
    • Your application (referred to as the third-app) can then process this inputted PIN count as needed.

Snippet code:

    PINPadDevice device = (PINPadDevice) POSTerminal.getInstance(mContext)

    device.setupCallbackHandler(new PinPadCallbackHandler() {
           public void processCallback(byte[] data) {
               Log.e(TAG, "processCallback   ");

               mHandler.obtainMessage(PIN_KEY_CALLBACK, data[0]).sendToTarget();
           public void processCallback(int nCount, int nExtra){
               // don't need implement.

     KeyInfo keyInfo = new KeyInfo(PINPadDevice.KEY_TYPE_MK_SK, 0, 0, 4);
     String pan = "0123456789012345678";
     OperationResult operationResult = device.waitForPinBlock(keyInfo, pan, false,
     if (operationResult.getResultCode() == OperationResult.SUCCESS) {
        byte[] pinBlock = ((PINPadOperationResult) operationResult).getEncryptedPINBlock();
        sendSuccessLog2("PINBlock = " + StringUtility.byteArray2String(pinBlock));
     } else {
