How to Understand TMS Server IP Addresses and Port Configuration

From wizarPOS

TMS Server IP Addresses

  • The primary TMS server is hosted at ''. This domain resolves to the main server's IP address, which is the central point of communication for TMS operations.
  • To ensure global accessibility and redundancy, TMS also utilizes several assistant servers located in various countries. Each of these servers has a unique IP address to facilitate localized operations.

Main Server:
(port 80, 443) [default ], [bak ]

Communication Server:
(port 11884) [ ]

Download Servers: [ ] port 8743 8680 [ ] port 443 8780 [] port 443 8680 [] port 8743 8088 [] port 443 8680

Monitor server:
(port 12010, 12011, 12012) [] []

Ports Configuration

  • TMS requires specific network ports to be open for seamless communication and operational efficiency. The exact ports used depend on the services and protocols TMS utilizes.
Port Server Description
TCP 80, 443 Main Sever User login and terminal HTTP request.
TCP 11884 Communication Server Used by terminal agent to keep connection.
TCP 8680, 8780, 8681 Download Server Used by terminal to download application.
TCP 12010, 12011, 12012 Monitor Server Used by terminal remote monitoring.
TCP 8080 Main Sever Used by terminal HTTP request. (Agent version < 4.4).
TCP 5222, 27777 Main Server Used by terminal access. (Agent version < 4.1).

Network Configuration and Security

  • Ensure that the network configuration allows for the specified ports to be accessible. This might involve configuring firewalls and other security appliances.
  • Prioritize security when configuring ports, especially those used for transmitting sensitive data. This is particularly crucial for smart POS systems handling financial transactions.