How to Understand Android Kiosk Mode

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Android kiosk mode instruction

Android kiosk mode is a special mode in which users can only access specific apps or features and cannot change system settings or install other apps freely. This mode is commonly used in public devices such as self-service kiosks, display devices, etc. in commercial and educational environments.

In Android kiosk mode, you can restrict user behavior, such as prohibiting changes to screen brightness, volume adjustment, accessing notification bars, disabling physical buttons, etc. In addition, you can also programmatically control the lifecycle of apps, such as restarting apps automatically when they exit, preventing users from switching to other apps. In summary, Android kiosk mode helps you better manage and control public devices, ensuring they remain in a secure and controllable state.

Enable Android kiosk mode

To enable Android kiosk mode, you can use AIDL interface provided by the system. To use this interface, import wizarviewagentassistant. When starting the service, pass com.wizarpos.wizarviewagentassistant as the package name and com.wizarpos.wizarviewagentassistant.SystemExtApiService as the class name.


The application declares the following permissions in the manifest:


API Overview


boolean startLockTaskMode(int taskId);

Request to put this activity in a mode where the user is locked to a restricted set of applications.

taskId int: task id.
boolean true:success ; false: failed;



Please download the AIDL


Please download the demo