Q1-4G android version is 7.0, so the third-party app should debug in Q1-4G before using normally, even the app has run successfully in Q1(android version is 4.4). The follows are some problem we have met:
- When occured this error, "dlopen failed: library "libwizarposHAL.so" not found", please contact WizarPOS, this system libary can not run in Q1-4G, it should be replaced by libwizarposDriver.so.
- In Q1-4G, the bluetooth address is not fixed, the address will generate when restart.
- PinpadUI problem, when call calculate pinpad interface, the screen will change dark.
- If app using the compiled so files, please get the new APIDemo, and compiled so files, then copy the JNIInterface and new so files.