What's CAPK

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Definition and Role:

  • CAPK, or Certification Authority Public Key, is a key used in EMV (Europay, MasterCard, and Visa) card systems for Offline Data Authentication (ODA).
  • It plays a crucial role in the authentication of EMV card transactions, regardless of whether the transaction is processed online or offline.

Operational Importance:

  • Offline Data Authentication: CAPK is essential for validating the authenticity of card data during offline transactions.
  • Transaction Processing: For both online and offline transactions, CAPK is used to ensure the card data has not been tampered with.
  • SDA Dependency: If CAPK is not set or configured correctly in the POS system, Static Data Authentication (SDA) will fail, potentially leading to declined transactions.

Components of CAPK:

  • CAPK consists of several key elements, each playing a significant role in the authentication process:
    • RID (Registered Application Provider Identifier): Identifies the card application provider.
    • CAPKI (Certification Authority Public Key Index): Specifies the particular public key to be used.
    • Exponent: Part of the public key used in the cryptographic process.
    • Checksum: Ensures the integrity of the CAPK data.
    • Modulus: The other part of the public key used for cryptographic calculations.

Implementation in POS Systems:

  • Configuration: Proper configuration of CAPK in smart POS systems is essential for EMV compliance and effective transaction processing.
  • Updates and Management: Regular updates and management of CAPKs are crucial to accommodate new card issuer specifications and security updates.


  • The management of CAPKs in smart POS systems is a critical aspect of EMV compliance. Technicians and developers should ensure these keys are accurately configured, regularly updated, and securely managed to maintain the integrity of the EMV transaction process.